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  1. Unclear_Thoughts

    Unclear_Thoughts Porn Star

    Jun 12, 2022
    Okay, enough is enough. @TheBigBossMang it was me that called you out, and on your response, you admitted to what I called you out for.
    Lay off of everyone else. You have given every one of my stories your NEGATIVE vote. I don't care. You left a comment, even today. Warning people who read my stories to not dare vote negative or I will call them out on open forum. What you still fail to understand, from the sexstories section, the only way to PM someone is to go to their profile page. Your profile page settings don't allow someone to view, I assume unless they follow you. I don't now, or will I ever follow you. So, being pissed off that someone... ie: YOU! had given my four newly posted stories a NEGATIVE vote within minutes of them getting posted, clearly without reading them, I, not anyone else, complained that yet again, another person NEGATIVELY rated a story of mine unfairly. And you know you did. So you can stop the bashing of anyone else. I'll just feel glad that you have given each of my stories at least one view. I'm sure as a fan of mine that has read (and I use that word loosely) and commented on almost everything I've written, you will be reading and commenting on everything I write in the future. And with each one you will prove to everyone else who reads them how much of an asshole you are.

    2022-12-30 20:19:07
    you want comments. you want to know why people hate your stories. you want to publicly harass multiple people in forum if they vote down you. so im just reading more of your stories to fairly judge them

    this one is fucking weird. yes ive seen most all these things you talk of, but it doesnt make sense to use weird phrases all over place. im not even good at english and i can tell this not how people talk. not funny, definitely not a turn on

    2022-12-30 21:17:20
    since you harass people publicly in forum when they vote you down, im just fairly reading and judging and commenting like you asking

    this was hard to read. you patting yourself on back and reference your own stories and complaining about views... inside another story?... as if that would make sense to anyone unless they read all your stories. or this is like advertisement for your stories? or just notes to yourself, but then why post it? you even mentioning "views" and "not doing well", damn why you obsess so much? "people dont want to laugh" or are you just not funny? ok Austin Powers and more reference... but why? and what about people who dont get reference? some good sex words here, but need to put them to better use

    2022-12-30 20:51:41
    seems corny how they leap to being ok seeing naked yet you spend lots of time setting up and building up scene. too much non sex and talking for not even making sense when sex parts happen. if you write not much sex, make all that story stuff count or help reader get immersed. your writing seems good, seems realistic, makes people want to read and hope, then lets us down with weird or slow part i think

    but i really hate the part where you publicly harass multiple members in forums if they vote you down. you write shit, thats why people vote

    2022-12-22 03:50:18
    going back through to see why i didnt vote this one too. back then i saw you wrote for someone specifically, which i thinking was cool. i cant get into grandma stuff but whatever i skimmed past and moved on, wasnt gonna vote. mom stuff still interest me, well written. but again so much building up and slow but not realistic how you jump into sex.

    but the main thing i hate is you try publicly harassing people in forums after they down vote you. you seem like terrible person, which makes your writing harder to like. ill fairly read everything you write just to make sure though

    2022-12-21 22:52:14
    careful everybody. if you down vote this writer they get very angry and try publicly shame you in the forums, probably to try getting you banned. you are not allowed to look at his stories unless you love them. lol

    2022-12-22 03:39:49
    going back through to see why i didnt vote this one. in time i read this i wanted more and wanted to give it chance. good amount of excitement but boring and slow parts. try to be realistic one minute, not the next. later chapters kept dragging worse for me

    but the main thing i hate is you try publicly harassing people in forums after they down vote you. you seem like terrible person, which makes your writing harder to like. ill fairly read everything you write just to make sure though
    1. ThaBigBossMang
      ha wow i think i soon write better than you by look of it. again i did read those stories, right after they posted or not (but i think you must be exaggerate since i had time to read them) and yeah i admit i had good reason to vote down like i already said. and again publicly shaming 3 members was wrong of you.

      sad thing is, you ratings and views were dogshit before i got to all these. and you cry about it IN YOUR STORY like psycho

      i just passing time bored at work with all this comments. but you, this mental illness lol
      ThaBigBossMang, Jan 3, 2023
  2. 1 Toy Maker

    1 Toy Maker Kuns og Kram Smukke Love once found never lost

    Sep 17, 2013
    Fight fight fight
    • Funny Funny x 1
  3. PayasYouCum

    PayasYouCum Amateur

    Nov 13, 2022
    There’s clearly some part of the subculture here I haven’t picked up on. I was just pleased that my story is doing really well on the stories homepage, with a really strong approval. I posted to that effect in my story thread and someone gave me a “dislike” for that.

    I’m glad that people are generally helpful and supportive, but people who can’t be happy for others are the worst.
    • Like Like x 1
  4. HannahDemon

    HannahDemon Porn Surfer

    Jan 5, 2023
    Do i really have to post 6 meaningless messages here for no effing reason to be able to post my stories on the stories site?
    This is perfect guys, i think you should have added something like running the 110m hurdles under 12 seconds for example.
    1. WantSumCandyLittleGirl
      To post them on the Stories site, yes. To post them here in the Sex Stories thread, no.

      It was set up to prevent boys and spammers from inundating the site. Hopefully you can understand that.
    2. dlcalguy
      You don't have to post 6 meaningless messages. You could post 6 worthwhile messages. If you have 6 interesting things to say. Or you could post 6 stories. 6 whinges is a popular choice, though.
      dlcalguy, Jan 7, 2023
  5. twickers

    twickers Sex Lover

    May 7, 2010
    Hi is there any one who could volunteer to read/edit a story and tell me why it's been removed from the site?
    1. WantSumCandyLittleGirl
      Send it via PM - I'll let you know
  6. twickers

    twickers Sex Lover

    May 7, 2010
    Thank you
  7. OverAndOut

    OverAndOut Porn Surfer

    Dec 8, 2022
  8. Dearelliot

    Dearelliot Porn Star

    Aug 9, 2018
    I ask if any here have used Xnxx, Lush, or Literotica for publishing their stories and if they found any difference having their work published, or with the rules.
    1. dlcalguy
      I have stories here and on other sites, including the two you name.

      Each story is assigned to a volunteer moderator who will point out deficiencies and return the story to you for revision.
      They don't only check for content being legal (no underage, no snuff, no coercion, no permanent injury etc.) They also kick you back for format, grammar and spelling.
      You have to put in paragraphs. Dialog has to be on separate lines and in quotes. Just like in proper books. Many writers there pride themselves on posting stories that are elevated above mere smut. (In my opinion, those kind of writers are narcissistic and pretentious. If you write erotica, make it erotic and stop describing the fucking scenery in allegorical terms.)
      dlcalguy, Jan 14, 2023
    2. dlcalguy
      Another thing with Lush is that once you jump through all those hoops, comparatively few people will ever read your story. (For the same story, my view ratio from here to lush is about 100/1)
      Their design is set up - theoretically - to be phone/tablet friendly, but it sucks to find anything. And the text input box will fuck with your line breaks until you figure it out. The search functions are rudimentary, categories less than here. No tags. So. If you post on lush, your writing will probably improve because of the editorial feedback but don't bother if you seek a wide readership.

      Just as strict as Lushstories about underage and some taboo subjects but less so about grammar and spelling. You'll get some more reads than Lush but still a lot fewer than here. Literotica's page is weird. Even with a recent(ish) revamp, it looks like it hasn't been touched for 20 years and is probably a turn-off for new visitors. I see that site as dying, so I stopped posting there.
      dlcalguy, Jan 14, 2023
      Dearelliot likes this.
    3. dlcalguy
      Xhamster doesn't have searchable stories, but can post a story to your member page. What you write can be seen by friends or subscribers to your page. They are far more lax than most sites. I don't think a post will be reviewed at all unless someone reports it.

      This is among the better sites to find the niche story you seek for free. Hence, you get a lot more visitors and your story stands to get a lot more views. If that's important to you, post here (not the forum, the story site.)
      It has similar rules as the other sites regarding content but is less strict about format, etc. Unfortunately, sometimes stories get through that are almost unreadable because of this. Which is a waste.
      Forum here: no checks. Which is great if you are only semi-literate but have a tale to tell. Your post may get removed without warning if you contravene the underage rules. You'll get a few hundred reads, but once your post slips down off page one it will probably never be seen again.
      dlcalguy, Jan 14, 2023
    4. Dearelliot
      Thank you
      Dearelliot, Jan 14, 2023
      dlcalguy likes this.
    5. NCfan
      Personally I'm finding that I get plenty of reads on the forum here. Maybe because I participate, answer people who respond, etc. I pulled my stories off the .com part of Xnxx due to a lot of BS with the voting and stories getting buried. Most of my stories have been read well more than a few hundred times.
      NCfan, Jan 14, 2023
      Dearelliot likes this.
  9. VeronicaP

    VeronicaP Porn Surfer

    Jan 23, 2023
    I can't wait to hear what people think of my work :)
    • Like Like x 1
    1. WantSumCandyLittleGirl
      Post the stories here and you’ll get feedback.
  10. warlordsnugglez

    warlordsnugglez Newcumer

    Sep 7, 2018
    I came across a trilogy story by an author called MightyOak on the site several years ago and wanted to revisit it but it looks like Ch.3 was removed. Anyone familiar with this that might have privately saved Ch.3 I would love to know.

    Story name: Good Neighbors
    Author: MightyOak
  11. WantSumCandyLittleGirl

    WantSumCandyLittleGirl Candyman

    Apr 25, 2010
  12. Dearelliot

    Dearelliot Porn Star

    Aug 9, 2018
    Just a question: I wonder why so many writers refuse to use paragraph spacing in their stories? I find the story so much more comfortable to read with spacing.
    and I'd like to add, I often just quit reading the story after a few lines because I find the lack of spacing annoying.
    1. WantSumCandyLittleGirl
      It’s probably because they never learned how to do that. It’s almost as if they’ve never read a book.
      Dearelliot likes this.
    2. dlcalguy
      You're not alone in quitting poorly formatted stories.
      I rarely bother.
      If the story is a wall of text, the odds are that it's going to be full of bad punctuation, poor spelling and questionable grammar too.
      Not to mention ludicrous situations.
      It puts me off my stroke.
      dlcalguy, Feb 9, 2023
  13. bravebombadier

    bravebombadier Porno Junky

    Jul 23, 2018
    Lol... You wonder why? Well, it's quite easy to answer. They either never paid any attention at school, or they simply have no idea how to write. If, when I open a page, I immediately see a whole mass of text... then I exit rapidly!

    As WantSumCandyLittleGirl says, they probably never read a book. It's more like they can hardly read, never mind write.

    I disagree with dlcalguy regarding Literotica. I find that I get both more reads and constructive comments there than I do here.

    Like many others, my newer stories on the sex stories site get mass negatives as soon as posted. They are clearly being targeted by someone. Perhaps because my older stories are almost all rated up in the nineties.

    I have only just begun to post them in the forum, so, we will see if it really is any better here.
    • Like Like x 1
  14. gklemming

    gklemming Sex Lover

    Apr 15, 2020
    Hi all, just popping in because I was thinking about posting on the site again.

    Does anyone know if they've fixed the bug where stories don't appear on your author page? It seems to be at least partly fixed. I check the "new" section periodically and stories are listed on their author's pages. However, on my own page, "Eclipse in the Chapel" still doesn't show up. I've been keeping it in my favorites section, instead of others' works that I like, just so people can find all my stories.

    Maybe the "fix" they applied only fixed the bug for stories posted after it was implemented. If I edit the story (so it gets reviewed again by the site) will that fix it? Or would I have to delete it and repost it, losing the views, comment, and relatively high score that I'm proud of?

    All my stories on my author page is the one singular thing I want. It's been a long time since I was on here in the hopes that they'd fix this bug in the meantime. I know this site has all sorts of issues, but as long as my stories are on my page I can live with most of them. If anyone knows these answers I'd appreciate it.
  15. bravebombadier

    bravebombadier Porno Junky

    Jul 23, 2018
    No, it's not fixed.

    If you sign in and click My Stories, it does list all of them correctly. However, if you don't sign in, ie - remain anonymous then do a search of your username, all of your newer stories will be missing.
  16. gklemming

    gklemming Sex Lover

    Apr 15, 2020
    Damn, that sucks. Still strange then that it appears to be ok for some new stories. Like if I go to Flyingdoc's profile all the Caleb stories appear there, just to pick an example from the front page.
  17. krtune

    krtune Newcumer

    Nov 17, 2022
    What is this site's opinion on rewrites? There are so many stories that have an awesome plot or buildup, but they get ruined by bad grammar or something like that. I have a handful of rewrites, and I give credit to the original author at the start of each post, but Literotica rejects them as plagiarism even if over half of the original content is gutted and rewritten.
    1. WantSumCandyLittleGirl
      I’d suggest contacting the original author and offering to help. Otherwise, Lit is right, you’re just plagiarizing.
    2. krtune
      It's not plagiarism, it's pastiche, and the original story and author would be clearly listed at the beginning. I understand if this forum considers pastiche unethical, so I won't do it, but don't call it plagiarism when it clearly isn't.
      krtune, Feb 12, 2023
    3. WantSumCandyLittleGirl
      Call it what you want.

      Pastiche: an artistic work in a style that imitates that of another work, artist, or period.

      Plagiarism: the practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own.

      In my opinion, what you’d be doing is just copying the story and fixing what you consider are mistakes. That’s not artistic similarity. Regardless of giving the original author proper credit, it is still covered under the definition of plagiarism.

      I’m not denigrating you for your position or your idea, as there are many who wouldn’t cite the author. I’m just pointing out the difference in opinion.
      polyfarming01 and krtune like this.
  18. bravebombadier

    bravebombadier Porno Junky

    Jul 23, 2018
    In my own opinion, you have no right to be rewriting another author's story unless they have given you permission. Literotica is absolutely correct.

    I used to offer to edit stories that were like you have said, but it got to be too much work. Besides, I edit anything I write at least five times (and I still miss things), it takes a lot of time before I'm ready to post.

    I cringe when I see some of the hastily written crap that gets posted here, occasionally, there are the basics of a good plot that cries out to be edited and turned into a proper story... just not by me, and certainly not without permission.
    • Agree Agree x 3
    • Winner Winner x 1
  19. krtune

    krtune Newcumer

    Nov 17, 2022
    Then I guess they'll stay in my personal collection.
    1. WantSumCandyLittleGirl
      BTW, learn how to use Comment.
    2. krtune
      Thanks. It looks like the meaning for "comment" and "reply" are backwards on this site. I'll remember that for the future.
      krtune, Feb 12, 2023