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  1. eclipse877

    eclipse877 Sex Lover

    Sep 11, 2006
    Just read this article: https://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/magazine/8022861.stm

    I was wondering if anyone on here has been subjected to sexual abuse by an older female as a child and their perspective on it. Have any females on here done anything like that? Do you feel bad about doing it or do you stand by your actions?

    Just curious.
  2. Kenster

    Kenster Porn Star

    Oct 3, 2006
    now that is interesting article
  3. OregonChic

    OregonChic Sex Machine

    Dec 11, 2007
    Female adult to female child:
    My babysitter molested me from 7-12, I'm still not sure how I feel about it but as soon as I was old enough I offered to stay home and watch my siblings so she could never be alone with any of them. Some of the people I've told thought 'Hey, that's kind of hot.', others wondered why I never reported her or told my parents. I honestly had no idea for years that it was abnormal, or wrong, except that I couldn't stand any female at all touching me in any manner until my late teens.

    Its wrong for a woman to molest a boy, but is it AS wrong for a woman to molest a girl?
  4. QuietTemptress

    QuietTemptress Porn Star

    Dec 28, 2008
  5. eclipse877

    eclipse877 Sex Lover

    Sep 11, 2006
    I also believe that molestation to either a male or female child has equal repercussions. Regardless of gender, you're still effecting how a child's perspective on sex.
  6. porter

    porter Basstard

    Sep 20, 2006
  7. Ave Angelus

    Ave Angelus Sex Machine

    Jan 23, 2009
    I've seen loads of comments about how "lucky" a male teen will be if they're abused by a female in a position of care. I found the following paragraph in the link particularly interesting:

    Sexual abuse by a female (whatever the age of the child) is still abuse and should never be applauded or supported.
  8. origen01

    origen01 Porn Star

    Nov 18, 2008
    Well....if a female were to commit an offense against a pre-pubescent boy then we all know that's shameful. But I think consent becomes a little more tricky when it comes to teenage boys (incest excluded).
  9. Bishop

    Bishop Porn Star

    Jul 31, 2006
    Its all wrong and sick. EQUALLY.

    But.. take a look at this site.. How many dudes do you see posting threads..basically bragging about being molested by a woman as a child?

    versus the amount of 'women' doing the same.
  10. Ave Angelus

    Ave Angelus Sex Machine

    Jan 23, 2009
    Why should it? You're still talking about an adult sexual predator vs a minor, who society has deemed as being unable to understand the ramifications of a sexual relationship. It doesn't matter if the predator is male seeking the companionship of either male or female minor, or if the predator is female. If the victim is a minor, then it is illegal and immoral. I'm sure it's easy enough to coerce a young female teen into saying yes to sex too, if you're glib enough.
  11. bug24

    bug24 Porn Star Suspended!

    Nov 3, 2008
    I had my first sports physical when I was 12. She grabbed my balls... I totally wasn't expecting it. To add insult to injury, she told my mom that it excited me. That fat ugly nurse gave herself too much credit...
  12. Silas88

    Silas88 Amateur

    Jul 20, 2008
    Every situation is different. Take Mary Kay Letourneu where the underage boy made a bet with his friends that he would bed her or that high school boy who seduced a teacher's aide by telling her he was 18 when he was 17 and of course their is Debra Lafave.

    But overall, having sex with someone under 15 is clearly wrong.
  13. porter

    porter Basstard

    Sep 20, 2006
    For fuck sakes...
  14. Empress Lainie

    Empress Lainie Ascended Ancient<br>Unexpected Woman In XNXX Heaven

    Oct 10, 2006
    If the people on this forum hate incest and underage sex so much why are there 20 and 50 thousand readers of such stories? A mystery to me!
  15. plp71

    plp71 Newcumer

    May 3, 2009
    It may be different people? There's probably more than 50k forum members...
  16. Bishop

    Bishop Porn Star

    Jul 31, 2006

    C'mon now..its not that hard to figure out.

    Lurkers. Who arent actual forum members.
  17. Bishop

    Bishop Porn Star

    Jul 31, 2006
    In all of those situations... the adult..should have been the adult.
    There really is no excuse for that kind of behavior.
  18. Cerebral Overload

    Cerebral Overload Sex Machine

    Mar 18, 2009
    There were several older women in my life that I went to bed hoping would break their moral barriers and have inappropriate relations with me, from teachers to friends of my mother, yet not one did. The best I ever got in that arena was one of mom's friends would kiss me whenever she was over, but that was the extent. I still think about that particular woman from time to time. Considering the fact that I've always kept secrets, even those that would put some people in jail for a VERY long time, I think I could keep the source of my smile to myself if there had been such a woman. Call me a perv; I don't care.
  19. scottystevens

    scottystevens Porn Star

    Jan 14, 2008
    My first was a 32 yr old woman when I was 15. It was great and I saw nothing wrong with it. Completely consentual on both our parts. Just my take.
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  20. IncestuLust

    IncestuLust Porn Surfer

    May 31, 2008
    female pedos

    If i was 10 when my 13 year old sister and i started an incestuous relationship, does that make her a *SPAM**SPAM**SPAM**SPAM*? i think not. i've wanted my mom sexually since i was 9. she shut me down unfortnately, but had she given into me, would that have made her a fem *SPAM**SPAM**SPAM**SPAM*? again, i think not. Not really sure about all this, but i know that the idea of it makes me pretty darn horny. i think i need help.
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