Business Insider

Air Canada damaged my customized wheelchair. It's limited my mobility and I'm still waiting for a replacement months later.

Maayan Ziv in her customized wheelchair
Maayan Ziv in her customized wheelchair. Courtesy Maayan Ziv
  • While traveling for a conference, Maayan Ziv's customized wheelchair was damaged beyond repair.
  • The airline agreed to pay for her replacement, but months have passed and it's still not done.
  • Since then, her mobility has been extremely limited. This is her story, as told to Mira Miller.

This as-told-to essay is based on a conversation with Maayan Ziv, a disability activist and the founder of Access Now. It has been edited for length and clarity.

I traveled from Toronto to Tel Aviv on September 7 to attend an accessibility conference. I was incredibly nervous — partially because it was the first trip I'd taken since before the pandemic, and partially because I have a disability and I use a wheelchair. I knew, based on previous experience, that there was potential for many things to go wrong, so I planned ahead as much as I could.

I phoned Air Canada, the airline I would be flying, ahead of time to let them know the dimensions of my wheelchair, as well as what kind of assistance I'd need. I made sure they knew I needed a gate tag and confirmed that I was booked for an aisle seat. I then showed up to the airport four hours in advance to get through security and make sure everything was in order, and I also brought bubble wrap and some "fragile" stickers to help pack up the chair before the flight.

Handing over my wheelchair at the gate is an incredibly nerve-racking experience, because this is the most important thing I own. It is literally my mobility, my legs, and I'm handing it over to people I'm hoping will take good care of it, with no way of truly knowing whether or not they will.

My wheelchair is basically an extension of my body

My wheelchair is highly customized, and it cost roughly $30,000. The seating is built to my dimensions, the joystick is positioned the way I need to be able to drive it, and it has a tilt function that lets me easily recline and readjust. I sit in it from the moment I wake up until I go back to sleep. It also has an elevation function which allows me to reach for things on higher counters, speak to people at eye level, press buttons on elevators, and more. It's fundamental to how I move through the world. Each of the functions on my wheelchair allows me to do things that, without it, I cannot do.

When my sister and I landed in Israel, we waited anxiously for my wheelchair to make it up from cargo to the gate. No one had told me anything — they just delivered my chair to me and expected me to be on my way. But my sister saw that it was in really bad shape. It had been squished so badly that I couldn't even sit in it if I tried. 

Maayan Ziv's broken wheelchair
Ziv's broken wheelchair. Courtesy Maayan Ziv

Staring at my damaged chair, I wasn't surprised at all but absolutely devastated nonetheless. The number of trips I'd taken that had gone sideways because of damage to my wheelchair had, in a way, prepared me for this moment. I've always lived in a world that wasn't designed with me in mind.

Ever since the damage to my wheelchair, my mobility has been limited

Despite my deep sadness and outrage, I had to go into crisis-management mode. I was given a regular airport wheelchair that had no headrest and gave me no real neck or back support, and my feet were dangling and hit the wheels every time it turned. I also wasn't able to move it independently, so someone had to be with me at all times.

The airport then sent over two people from luggage repair, who removed some of the pieces that were loose from my chair and hammered the metal back into something resembling its original shape. This made it possible to at least sit in my chair, albeit in pain, because the seating was so off. 

But it was a step forward, and that's how I was able to at least attend parts of the conference. In the end, though, I missed the majority of it.

When I got to my hotel room after that exhausting first day in Tel Aviv, I decided to record and share a video explaining what had happened. I love social media and I've used it as a platform to create awareness about the importance of accessibility for years. 

The second I hit record, I broke down. The video is an honest account of an experience that is unfortunately shared by many, and it resonated with others who've been in a similar position. It also got responses from countless others who have never considered these sorts of accessibility issues and were outraged. Thousands of people engaged with the video, leaving comments like, "Watching you in this video is indelible, has enlightened me, angered me and fuelled me. You've won a new soldier in your fight."

It was quite overwhelming to go from feeling so very alone to seeing there were literally thousands of people around the world who were willing to support me and believed the situation I was in wasn't OK. 

Since returning home, I've been using a very standard, basic transport wheelchair to get around. It's really limiting in terms of what it allows me to do.

Maayan Ziv in her rental wheelchair
Ziv in her rental wheelchair. Courtesy Maayan Ziv

The chair is quite low to the ground, so when I cross the street, or if I'm moving through a parking lot and there are cars reversing or turning, I'm not visible to drivers, which can be scary. When I go over a curb in this chair, because it's lightweight, it slides or skids. And if I'm on a hill, it could roll backward or flip. 

Sitting in it for long periods of time causes me pain, I'm not able to reach for things because the armrests aren't positioned well for me, and the lack of headrest causes neck strain. I don't feel safe or confident enough in it to be independent, so I'm always with someone else, which is a weird change for me. Without my customized wheelchair, I realize how much of an extension of my body it really was.

The airline agreed to pay for a replacement, but months later, I still don't have a new chair

After the incident, Air Canada initially sent me the standard email they send to anyone who's filed a damage claim, so it seemed as though my wheelchair was being treated like luggage. They apologized for the "inconvenience" and offered me $300 for my next trip. 

I quickly wrote back to explain that my wheelchair was much more integral than they were acknowledging and that I found their response inappropriate given the circumstances. They responded again, and agreed to pay for the repair or a replacement, but it wasn't until October that I received the official confirmation that Air Canada would cover the cost of a new chair, as my original one was beyond repair. Then, finally, at the beginning of November, I was told the wheelchair vendor had been authorized to begin the work. 

There have been some promising statements from people in leadership positions since my story first started getting news coverage. Both the minister of transportation and the minister for workplace development and disability inclusion issued a statement on the need to address barriers for people with disabilities in air travel as a direct response to what happened to me.

The chief accessibility officer for Canada also issued a statement alongside the Canadian Human Rights Commission. In the latter statement, the commission directly referenced my words about how when mobility devices are treated so carelessly, it can actually result in a type of discrimination.

Now, nearly three months after the incident, I'm finally in the process of working with a wheelchair technician to build a brand-new chair that is suited to my needs. And while the past few months haven't been easy, I do have hope that things might finally start to change for the better. 

Insider reached out to Air Canada for comment, but it did not respond in time for publication.

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