Human beings could be artificially contributing both to the extinction of many species but also to their evolution.
Research from the University of Copenhagen has discovered entirely new species have been created because of human influence and this has been fuelled by a number of mechanisms including accidental introductions, domestication of animals, unnatural selection caused by hunting and the "emergence of novel ecosystems such as the urban environment".
"The prospect of artificially gaining novel species through human activities is unlikely to elicit the feeling it can offset losses of natural species," said lead author Joseph Bull. "Indeed, many people might find the prospect of an artificially biodiverse world just as daunting as an artificially impoverished one."
One example presented by the team is that of the common house mosquito. The blood-sucking insect has adapted to the environment of the London Underground and a subterranean population was established, referred to as the London Underground mosquito, that is now unable to breed with mosquitos who live above ground.
"We also see examples of domestication resulting in new species," said Bull. "According to a recent study, at least six of the world's 40 most important agricultural crops are considered entirely new."
Elsewhere, new traits have emerged in species, leading to "hybridisation" and extinction.
"In this context, number of species becomes a deeply unsatisfactory measure of conservation trends because it does not reflect many aspects of biodiversity," said co-author Martine Maron.
"Achieving a neutral net outcome for species numbers cannot be considered acceptable if weighing wild fauna against relatively homogenous domesticated species. However, considering speciation alongside extinction may well prove important in developing a better understanding of our impact upon global biodiversity. We call for a discussion about what we, as a society, actually want to conserve about nature."
This article was originally published by WIRED UK