Published on 2025/03/18
We’ve all heard about the infamous "gender pay gap": that sinister conspiracy where men supposedly earn more "for doing exactly the same job," because obviously, the evil patriarchy just loves paying women less out of sheer cruelty, keeping them firmly under its thumb—despite the fact that this practice is literally illegal in almost every developed country.
But fine, let’s play along with that idea for a moment: men earn more ON AVERAGE than women, but honestly, have you ever stopped to think why men statistically take home higher salaries? Or do you just buy into it because it’s a mantra repeated endlessly? Maybe—just maybe—it’s because men are out there freezing their asses off on deep-sea fishing boats, getting tossed around by violent storms, handling chains heavier than your car, or sweating away on oil rigs and construction sites, risking their lives every single day. Perhaps it’s related to voluntarily choosing insanely dangerous, physically exhausting, and generally miserable jobs that pay better precisely because no sane person would do them willingly.
So yes, ladies and gentlemen, a pay gap certainly exists. And it seems firmly located in places where most people wouldn't set foot for a million dollars, let alone for 20 or 30 grand a month. But sure, go ahead and keep believing the gap is just the patriarchy flexing its muscles from comfy offices.
And this, dear friends, is the cold, wet, gritty truth behind the famous pay gap.
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Slow motion of the day.
Published on 2025/03/18
Same year, same month, same day, same exact time—but opposite hemispheres.
Because our planet tilts about 23.5 degrees on its axis, these two girls are touching themselves simultaneously but in completely different seasons. While one explores her body surrounded by snow and sub-zero temperatures, on the other side of the world, the other enjoys a hot beach day, feeling the summer breeze and warm sun on her skin.
And that concludes today's rather unique Natural Science lesson.
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Party Night.