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  1. coraline

    coraline The Witchy Woman

    Jun 13, 2014
    Well @hornygirla2 englishman was role play thing, I never met up with him and he had issues in the real world that obviously took his priority and he left to sort it out, just as I know tommo was having fun too, I met tommo by chance as I was happy being unowned and doing my thing not looking for anything from anyone , it was the 100-1 challenge which got tommo's attention in more ways than one lol, i don't answer messages from guys wanting to get horny but there was something that got my attention and we found out we were only 15 mins away from each other. So after chatting for a month he suggested we met up for coffee and lunch which we did, we have had many very horny experiences together and we will have lots more because hand on my heart I can honestly say that I do love him lots and I want no one but him. We are both switchers which is fun and completely different to my previous experiences but I am very happy being equal, also @tommo27 is pagan too so we have that connection. Plus he is very happy with my picture posting fetish so all is good.
    • Like Like x 1
  2. DarkDom

    DarkDom Sex Machine

    Apr 19, 2015
    It's always good when you can find someone who you mesh with. After years of searching myself, I was lucky to find the one I now call 'my girl'.

    He's not the only one. ;)
    • Like Like x 1
  3. coraline

    coraline The Witchy Woman

    Jun 13, 2014
  4. thinskin

    thinskin Porn Star Banned!

    Dec 29, 2008

    Well there is at least a grain of truth in there!;)

    I would love to sit up and keep you company sexy girl but it is bedtime!

    G'night all!

  5. coraline

    coraline The Witchy Woman

    Jun 13, 2014
    Good night thin
  6. scott_joe_77

    scott_joe_77 Porn Surfer

    Apr 1, 2015
    you can contact me
  7. hornygirla2

    hornygirla2 RAY OF SUNSHINE

    Aug 18, 2014
    Yeah, I remember the 100-1 challenge, it was fun at first but *rolleyes* not a good experience at all at the end of it for me.

    I guess there's always that special click we have with certain people you know, so lucky for you two to be near. Oh he is pagan too, cool coincidence. Paganism is interesting, I keep wondering if it's the same as brujeria (I never practiced brujeria though)

    I also came here to play/learn about my fantasies and my plan was to gett off and log off, but got caught on the interaction, etc. there is one special one that I click with and care for (not love) so I get when you say you don't want to chat with anyone but @tommo27
    • Like Like x 1
  8. hornygirla2

    hornygirla2 RAY OF SUNSHINE

    Aug 18, 2014
    Thanks but no, we can interact around the forums though. :)
  9. coraline

    coraline The Witchy Woman

    Jun 13, 2014
    I am sorry it wasn't good for you.
    I Googled the meaning of brujeria and it is witchcraft which is a branch of the pagan tree so very similar , always listen to your gut feelings they will guide you right.
    I am glad you have that click, you deserve it you have a great soul
  10. hhhhjj55

    hhhhjj55 Porno Junky

    Aug 5, 2014
    To be quite honest I would love to do a lot to those gorgeous breasts lol
  11. DarkDom

    DarkDom Sex Machine

    Apr 19, 2015
    I wonder how many more of us are around here. I've got Irish Blood and the old ways called to me more than the modern ones.
  12. Likeu2watch

    Likeu2watch Porno Junky

    Jul 14, 2012
    Lol, for me it would be like robbing the cradle! That said, when I was in my late teens I was involved with an older women (by 20 years). I must say we had some fantastic times together!
  13. hornygirla2

    hornygirla2 RAY OF SUNSHINE

    Aug 18, 2014
    Don't you hate when a guy that had never interact with you around the forums keeps messaging you about your posts instead of replying to you on the thread.
    • Like Like x 1
  14. coraline

    coraline The Witchy Woman

    Jun 13, 2014
    Yes that's annoying
  15. AnnaSiciliana

    AnnaSiciliana Made your girlfriend gay

    Apr 16, 2014
    What's even better is "hey, you replied to one of my posts, so wanna have sex?"
  16. littlewanker

    littlewanker Porn Star

    Nov 12, 2014
  17. Milo Cronos

    Milo Cronos The Sexual Intellectual

    Aug 29, 2011
    P.M.'s as a rule should never open up with what sex could be going on or something so crude as focusing on just one part of a woman (age included) that for me to answer when asked.
    • Like Like x 1