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  1. leed's 13th child

    leed's 13th child Porn Star

    Jul 11, 2010
    First of all, there is nothing wrong with your question. No need to apologize.
    I think you are experiencing intersectional manifestations of misogyny and racism. The racism is showing up as you being seen as something "exotic", and therefore being fetishized. This is a product of the legacy of colonialism, and a common dynamic women of color face. It shows up as the perceived hypersexualization of Black women, Latinas, Asians, etc. Think of the stereotypes that exist along these lines.

    The misogyny manifests in the desire to impregnate you. Sadly, there is a whole sub-culture of man-children who feel they are entitled to cum directly inside women. While this is fine when a consensual part of sex, these cellar dwellers take it further and aggressively try to coerce women into it, or engage in something they call "stealthing" where they secretly remove or sabotage a condom so that the woman doesn't know that she is not protected. These men discuss such acts on sites like Reddit, and frame their justification for such acts with statements like, "If she's going to act like such a whore, she needs to get what she deserves." If that's not a mentality that devalues women, I don't know what is.
    Add the entitlement of insecure men to the legacies of white supremacy and colonialism, and you very well might get the scenarios you describe.
    Take my ramblings with a grain of salt. I'm a white guy, so it come from this limited perspective. Oh, and to those who have already responded with variations of "Not all men," we might not all engage in the overt behaviors I've described, but there are a finite few men who haven't say quietly by while peers engaged in conversation that devalues and dehumanized women (myself included). Our silence makes us complicit, so dont get all defensive and feel frantic to proclaim yourself one of the good guys. Chances are, we all have too. To do better than we have.
    • Useful Useful x 1
  2. ryandmess

    ryandmess Porno Junky

    Jun 13, 2011
    You’re messing with white boys instead of white men. You’re something different to them. And that’s all good until the new wears off. Then what? Look for someone who appreciates your mind and heart more than your body. I’m sure that’s hard though if you’re pretty. Those blonde white girls are out. Darker skin is in btw. I wish you the best of luck!
  3. inmyhand

    inmyhand My Goddesses Toy

    Apr 10, 2014
    I am a white man 52 years old and every guy I know black white orange purple black wants to come in that p****
  4. Goddess_sun

    Goddess_sun Porn Surfer

    Jan 10, 2020
    Lol its true white guys always act weird around me they tend to be super careful and apologize over everything like they dont want to offend me and when we have sex they want me to call them white boy or adress their cock as white instead of just a cock also they won’t stop complimenting my hair and skin at some point it’s annoying lol
    • Like Like x 2
    1. itsamystery00
      I'm so glad you mentioned this! This is exactly my experience and I thought I was going crazy!
      itsamystery00, Jul 6, 2020
      Goddess_sun likes this.
  5. wantingnot

    wantingnot Sex Machine

    Jan 10, 2017
    I recall many a child pointing to a black person and asking either of their parents why that person was dirty (not clean). I also remember kids rubbing the skin of the first black person they met and asking why the dirt didn't come off. Same with your white lovers. They don't understand that you are a person, same as them, and they want to understand why your different. Also, they could find you so beautiful their minds have turned to mush. I will admit to commenting to a number of black women on the balance of the colors of their clothes and their skin. My body color is white - kind of. What a joy it would be to dress with a skin color shiny black, deep brown, light or dark tan, etc.
  6. Dengler

    Dengler Newcumer

    Dec 27, 2019
    I would say it all depends on where you were raised. If you were raised in France or even the UK There is not much Thought regarding the skin color of your sex partner 0r significant other. In the states there’s still a lot of cities that are divided in race, I’m guessing these guys haven’t been around a lot of black girls and we’re just scared they were going to say the wrong thing possibly offend you. At the same time they’re guys and they want to get laid still. If I went and hung out with Chad and Biff at the yacht club, and was trying to fuck there sister, I would probably be acting a little weird because it’s new territory even though I’m a white guy. I’m 50 years old I’ve been divorced 10 years now from a 12 year marriage to a black woman, we have two kids together Yes they’re black, even though I I’m a white man with blond hair. I don’t recall her ever saying I acted different around her because she was black, then again we were around a lot of black friends. But when we would fight she would pull the race card a lot, stuff like...your saying that because I’m black you white motherfucker?? No I’m saying that because you are a crazy bitch, I would have to correct her. Anyways . maybe these white dudes didn’t grow up in an inner-city so much and need to be Familiarized. Or maybe they’re just weird? I suggest keep fucking them if you like it and if you want to have kids someday
    With Man that happens to be white. I think it’s good to have mixed races like my children. if everybody was mixed up like chocolate milk there would be no weirdness to anything, no racism, we would all just be human. But humans are definitely weird LOL
    Oh yeah p.m.me if you want Sun goddess I‘d love to see those big titties and if it will make you feel better I can trash talk your hair and skin
    • Funny Funny x 1
  7. Ass_Master

    Ass_Master Porn Star

    Oct 12, 2018
    I'm not weird with them. Never had the opportunity so I can't really say much else.
  8. BeatItUpRight

    BeatItUpRight Porn Star

    Apr 27, 2007
    Well simple answer. Cuz they're not us lol.
  9. writerz01

    writerz01 A Gentleman.. But not always

    Mar 29, 2014
    I have been with females from many different countries, religions, skin colors. I never thought there were any differences. They were young ladies and older ladies. I have to say what is the difference. I treat everyone with respect and courtesy no matter who they are.
  10. hard14U

    hard14U Porn Star

    Dec 13, 2005
    I’m not sure if I’m being redundant with my answer(s) here — ‘cause I certainly haven’t perused everyone else’s.

    But firstly, I’m sorry you’re feeling weird or creeped out by it. (And also, firstly, I’d like to qualify that I have many African-American friends whom I love). I just really like culture in general. And I do indeed think “black is beautiful!” — my dear.

    I have never “been with” a black woman. But I’ve certainly had my fantasies. And yeah ... I’m gonna’ have to say, a lot of it is based on the visual. (Wait on it)!! ... just as it is with ANY woman I’m sexually attracted to!

    I think there’s even science behind the fact that men are much more “visually oriented” than women, when it comes to sexuality & attraction. So we might start there.

    However, I do think it is ramped up by that “contrast” you mentioned. It’s just so ... erotic(?)

    Erotic or exotic?? ... I don’t know, sweetie. Maybe I can’t answer your question here. Damn. (And I’m usually full of answers). -lol-

    I guess I would ultimately have more questions for you! ... because, again, I like culture; and I’m always seeking to gain more knowledge & understanding. I’m trying to figure out if you’re really *offended* by it, or what?? ... (because your question does kinda’ flip-flop back & forth a bit).

    Why aren’t you ultimately flattered by being worshipped as a “brown goddess?!!” ... (maybe it’s just how they phrase their admiration, or the tone in their voices)?? I dunno. I could see how if it is merely an obsession with you [as an object] how that could certainly be offensive. I don’t know many women who like that, regardless of race &/or skin color, or any other aspect of their physical selves.

    I’m the type of man who looks for the “whole package” myself ... beauty (in whatever form), intelligence, wit, romance, and intimacy. I’m not limited by one thing or another. But I know a lot of men are — with their one-track, simple minds. And that’s just immature, stupid, and foolish. And if those are the types of guys you’re dealing with, you need to broaden your horizons, and drop those schleps.

    I don’t feel like I’ve adequately answered your question here. :( (And I may just need to think on it more, and return to it later). I’m actually pretty fascinated by your question, in truth. And I likewise think it’s RIDICULOUS that it has been “removed” elsewhere! ... If we’re ever gonna’ break down the racial barriers, we need to have an open dialogue! — (that’s all there is to it).

    If you would like to discuss it with me further [via. private messaging], I would love to. And I mean that, in a genuine dialogue.

    I have a young African friend I met via. a facebook group, who lives in Uganda; and I’m here to tell you(!) ... -lol- ... I have virtually adopted her as my “brown niece.” And we joke about that. Because I am snow-white, my dear! :laugh: ... But I adore her! — (and it is certainly not sexual at all). She’s a beautiful young lady. And cool. And I’m a 50 year old man.

    So ... any time, my dear. That’s all I’m sayin’. I’m here for you too!
  11. Les Paul

    Les Paul Porno Junky

    May 29, 2017
    Been with a black girl. Because she was sexy as hell. Treated her like any other girl. With respect.
    The color thing was probably mor of a turn on. She had fun. Was awesome.