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  1. Pantyhose_Slut

    Pantyhose_Slut Sex Machine

    Jun 18, 2016
    I was recently asked what the alcohol laws would be in my micronation if made into a reality.

    I said..

    The MLDA (Minimum Legal Drinking Age) is 25, the same minimum age as is smoking tobacco and marijuana.

    Drinking alcohol outdoors in public is a crime, its public intoxication, among the penalties for which includes a 6 month suspension of your drivers license.

    Having open alcohol containers in your car, or any alcohol containers *open or closed* in the front side of the interior of your car is illegal.

    Drinking alcohol while driving is illegal (this is a DUI whether or not you are legally drunk)
    Driving while Drunk is illegal.

    A DUI Conviction comes with a PERMANENT loss of your Driver's license.

    Alcohol specific pubs and bars are illegal... only restaurants, Strip Clubs, Night Clubs and Casinos
    can actually serve alcohol, and IN a restaurant, you must order food worth at least $35 in order to purchase alcohol.
    If you're not eating, you're not drinking either.

    And purchasing alcohol at a restaurant automatically comes with a minimum 20% tip added to your bill, and a 15% flat sales tax.

    Alcohol cannot be sold at any business OTHER THAN a NON-Fast Food Restaurant, Night Club, Strip Club, Casino, a Winery, OR a Liquor Store.

    ALL Alcohol sold at wineries and liquor stores must be in containers featuring a cork, and they cannot sell you a Cork Screw, give you a cork screw, or open it for you... and they cannot let you walk out with an open alcohol container.

    It is illegal to sell alcohol to a visibly and/or audibly intoxicated person.
    It is illegal to sell alcohol to, give alcohol to, or purchase alcohol FOR any person under age 25.
    It is illegal to sell alcohol to a visibly incompetent person.
    It is illegal to sell alcohol to a person wearing a Worker's Uniform.

    It is illegal to sell alcohol before 6:00 PM, and after 4:00 AM (alcohol can only be sold between 6PM and 4AM) Except for in Strip Clubs, Night Clubs and Casinos.

    Alcohol can only be sold on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays EXCEPT for in Strip Clubs, Night Clubs and Casinos.

    To Purchase alcoholic beverages in a Casino, they have to have your car keys, and you have to gamble first.

    Social Drinking Clubs are Permitted.
    Social Drinking Clubs can operate 7 days per week, 365 days per year... but can only serve alcohol to registered Club Members.

    In other words, the laws favor social drinking... not drunks.
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2016
    1. kronos99

      Binge drinkers cause just as many problems as alcoholics
      kronos99, Nov 16, 2016
  2. RandyKnight

    RandyKnight Have Gun, Will Travel

    Sep 24, 2008
    I see the new country is against tourism....
    • Like Like x 1
    1. Rixer
      His Kingdom of one...
      He's pretty strict with himself. He's likely beating himself right now.;)
      Rixer, Nov 16, 2016
      FeltPlay and RandyKnight like this.
  3. HisBabyGirl

    HisBabyGirl Always & Forever His

    Oct 2, 2011
    What?????? So, you are now controlling businesses that will be allowed in your Xanadu.

    This is dictatorship of a country that does not exist, has not been purchased and to which no one will travel. What a sad and lonely place.
  4. kronos99

    kronos99 Porn Star

    Aug 4, 2015
    • Like Like x 1
    1. justpassingthru
      Too funny ...
      justpassingthru, Nov 16, 2016
  5. justpassingthru

    justpassingthru No Rest For The Wicked Banned!

    Jun 11, 2011
    I remember flying into Switzerland a week before my 25th birthday and had to wait to get into the Casino legally ... it was a long week lol.

    Speaking of alcohol, I almost got kicked out of the country for jumping off a bridge into the river below that separates old downtown from new downtown in Lucerne. A bunch of us got shitfaced in the pub and me and my ex-wife's cousin took a dare and stripped naked and did the plunge and cops were downstream waiting for us lol.

    At what age would mandatory annual military training be in this so called utopia ??? In Switzerland we had to do 3 weeks of military service annually, I found that out the hard way once I got citizenship there back in the 80's ...