The fascinating thing about Adrianne Curry is the attention a virtual nobody gets because of her fake tits and willingness to show them off because they aren’t really even her own tits and if anyone judges her she can blame the plastic surgeon….coupled with the fact that fake tits, except on breast cancer survivors, that save shitty tit, also attract really fucked up, insecure, women you can easily manipulate because the fact they saved up and got a set of tits, means some shit is going on in her crazy head……
It amazes me that someone who does nothing, offers the world nothing, has no interesting thoughts or opinions, who is only known because of a series of reality shows when reality shows were just starting, can lure thousands of people to sign-up to her and wait around for pics like this….It is pathetic and depressing what our world amount too….shit makes me want to get a set of fake tits to post on my TWITTER …the same TWITTER Adrianne Curry blocked and sent her gang of retards after…..because that way I’d get more followers….
Tits get hits people. Except maybe for me, this site, my twitter….but for the girl who owns those tits…it’s on.
Here are some faceless nudes….unfortunately not of her after her face was ripped off by a psycho killer….you know trying to save the world from her horrible kind of trash…
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