21 Vintage Photos Of Hawaii From Before It Became A State

Hawaiian surf riders Buzzy Trent, Woody Brown and George Downing glide down advancing front of a 19 foot at Makaha, near Waianae, Oahu, December 3, 1953
"Surf Riders" near Oahu in December 1953. AP Images

Hawaii became the 50th U.S. state 54 years ago today, when President Eisenhower signed the Hawaii Admission Act on August 21, 1959.

Today the youngest state is known for its varied cuisine, beautiful state parks, distinct cultural traditions, and thriving tourism industry.

We've gathered 21 vintage photos that show Hawaii was beautiful long before it became the nation's favorite vacation destination.

January 1890 - The Royal Palace at Honolulu.

The Royal Palace Honolulu al Sandwich Islands photo by  January 1890
John Lawson Stoddard/Getty Images

September 1940 - the battleship USS Oklahoma in Hawaii during US navy Pacific Fleet maneuvers.

Nevada class battleship USS Oklahoma a BB 37 during US navy Pacific Fleet maneuvers near Hawaii, Sepetmber 1940 Photo by
Carl Mydans for Time & Life Pictures/Getty Images

A man brings in his pineapple harvest after a long day (date unknown).

A man brings in his pineapples after a long day photo by
William C. Shrout/Getty Images

December 1953 - Hawaiian surf riders Buzzy Trent, Woody Brown and George Downing glide down the advancing front of a 19-foot wave at Makaha, near Waianae, Oahu.

Hawaiian surf riders Buzzy Trent, Woody Brown and George Downing glide down advancing front of a 19 foot at Makaha, near Waianae, Oahu, December 3, 1953
AP Images

1930 - Tourists peer into mouth of Halemaumau or 'House of Everlasting Fire,' the inner crater of Kilauea, the most active volcano in the world (at the time).

1930 Tourists peer into mouth of Halemaumau 'House of Everlasting Fire' inner crater of Kilauea, slopes of Mauna Loa on central Hawaii Island, Kilauea is the most active volcano in the world
Getty Images

January 1932 - A group of Hawaiian girls sit against a tropical background.

15th January 1932 A group of Hawaiian girls sitting against a tropical background photo by
Hulton Archive/Getty Images

October 1936 - PanAm Airways employees in Hawaii managed to create a full size golf course on the beach at Midway Island, where they play amongst the albatrosses.

PanAm Airways base men created full size golf course on beach Midway Island, Pacific Ocean, October 15, 1936 they play through local hazard, albatross, otherwise known as gooney birds
Getty Images

July 1934 - the harbor at Honolulu, Hawaii looks serene.

The harbor at Honolulu, Hawaii is pictured July 7, 1934, President Roosevelt's ship the cruiser Houston is expected to tie up at pier two, foreground, when the President arrives for his first visit to the Islands in late July
Getty Images

1930 - four Japanese tourists pose at the Halekulani Hotel on Waikiki Beach with a native Hawaiian and his long surfboard.

Four Japanee tourists pose at the Halekulani Hotel on Waikiki Beach with a native Hawaiian and his long surfboard, Honolulu, Hawaii, circa 1930, Photo by
Tai Sing Loo/Getty Images

1925 - Waikiki beach on Oahu, with Diamond Head in the background.

Waikiki beach on Oahu, with Diamond Head in the background, Honolulu, Hawaii, circa 1925
Getty Images

1925 - a surfer at Waikiki Beach stands on his head as he rides a wave into the shore.

A surfer at Waikiki Beach stands on his head as he rides a wave into the shore, Honolulu, Hawaii, circa 1925. Diamond Head is in the background getty images
Getty Images

1924 - a native Hawaiian dancer performs while other women keep rhythm with gourds.

Getty Images A native Hawaiian dancer performing while other women keep rhythm with gourds, Hawaii, circa 1924
Getty Images

1920 - a Hawaiian Sunrise Soiree. Two couples, one in tails, dance on the beach in the early morning to the sounds of a ukulele.

A Hawaiin Sunrise Soiree Caption Two couples, one in tails, dance on the beach in the early morning to the sounds of a ukelele, Hawaii circa 1920 Photo by
Pam Beauchamp/Getty Images

Expansive pineapple fields (date unknown).

fields of pineapples growing
Getty Images

Female hula dancers circa 1900.

circa 1900 female dancers
Getty Images

1900 - a group of male Hula dancers.

1900 a group of male Hula dancers
Getty Images

Early 1900s - Two local men in their raft rest by the beach at Waikiki Bay, showing Diamond Head in the background.

Circa 1900's, Two local men in their raft rest by the beach at Waikiki Bay, showing Diamond Head Getty Images
Getty Images

A Hawaiian woman dances on a grass mat while two other women watch, circa 1900.

A Hawaiian woman dances on a grass mat while two other women watch, Hawaii, circa 1900
Getty Images

1922 - two native Hawaiians with outrigger canoes at the shoreline in Honolulu.

Two natives with outrigger canoes at shoreline, Honolulu, Hawaii 1922
Library of Congress

1891 - on the beautiful Mauna Loa Creek.

 On the beautiful Mauna Loa Creek, Hawaii circa 1891
New York Public Library Archives

Wailua Lower Falls, Kauai between 1870 and 1899.

NYPL Wailua Lower Falls, Kauai by Dickson, M 1870 to1899 Photographer
New York Public Library Archives

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